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Trying to write this has triggered an identity crisis. 


Do I go and hype myself up like a dickhead or do I give you complete personality? Do I talk in the third person?? Lachie does not know what he should be writing. 


Who is Lachie? no seriously who is he? who am I? I think I'm going insane. Am I supposed to be talking about what I like to do?? As in my life or what I want to do for a career? I'll do both I guess. 


So, in terms of life, I've been trying to quit nicotine for far longer than I'd like to admit and I can make you a pretty superb playlist. Unfortunately, I am better to be friends with than date. Not that you and I would start dating but you know... just in case.


For a career. I'm an accounts manager. I am a people person at heart. I have strong interpersonal communication and leadership skills, honed by long years in the hospitality industry. 


It also means I can make you a great coffee.




As you can proably see from much of my work. It may be unpolished, it might seem lazy, hell, it probaly doesn't even make sense, but tell me you don’t see just the tinest, tinest bit of potential, right? RIGHT? 

If you've read until here I’m sure we’ll get along.

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