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Smiling Minds

Project Type



April 2023

This is a TikTok campaign that combines cooking videos with mental health.

This campaign was created for smiling minds, a mental health organisation. The issue the brief presented was how to assist teenagers who’s mental health had suffered due to covid. This was done as a group assignment in university.

Through our research and own personal experience, we came to an understanding that TikTok was used by majority of the target audience. So we decided that this would be the medium. We also came to the conclusion that cooking videos are well liked by the target audience.

So for our executions, we’ve made a 6 part series with likeable hosts who are cooking a meal and talking about mental health. This way the target audience can learn about mental health and also how to cook a meal. Included in the executions is also a print cook book.

Executions are below

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